SCRIPTS in the Media
"Ein Kollaps der Wirtschaft ist möglich" | Neue Züricher Zeitung
In Russland wachsen die Spannungen und die Finanzkraft wird schwächer. Andrei Jakowlew, Vistiting Research Fellow bei SCRIPTS, schildert im Gespräch mit Benjamin Triebe von der Neuen Züricher Zeitung, dass der russisch Präsident Wladimir Putin unpopuläre Prioritäten zugunsten des Militärs setzen müsse. Hier geht es zum Interview (Deutsch; Paywall).
Feb 22, 2025
Steffen Mau on East German Identity | Tagesspiegel+
Does pride play a role in the so-called ‘Eastern identity’?
Feb 09, 2025
Heiko Giebler & Steffen Mau on the “Brandmauer-Proteset”
Steffen Mau (Principal Investigator at SCRIPTS and professor of macrosociology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and Heiko Giebler were interviewed by Tagesspiegel+ and SPIEGEL Politik on the ‘firewall protests’ and their significance for the CDU (Christian Democtraic Union).
Feb 04, 2025
"Trump's policies are reminiscent of the 19th century" | SPIEGEL Geschichte
In an interview with SPIEGEL Geschichte , Jessica Gienow-Hecht talks to Martin Pfaffenzeller about the impact of various US presidents and how Trump should be categorised in this series of personalities and their governing styles.
Dec 16, 2024
"Formation of New European Parliament: Expert Says EU-China Relations Can Only Worsen" | Epoch Times
SCRIPTS speaker, Tanja A. Börzel, in an interview with Epoch Times on the relationship between the EU and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The interview is only available in chinese (the English version will come out soon).
Jun 19, 2024
Droht bei den Europawahlen ein Rechtsruck? "Es geht um die Machtoption" | campus.leben
Interview mit Tanja A. Börzel und Miriam Hartlapp vom Otto-Suhr-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin
Jun 07, 2024
Is Europe threatened by another shift to the right? | Tagesspiegel-Beilage
Miriam Hartlapp, Professor of Comparative Politics of Germany and France at Freie Universität Berlin together with Tanja A. Börzel, director at SCRIPTS, have investigated the voting behavior of Eurosceptic to anti-European MEPs. They spoke to Dennis Yücel from the daily newspaper Tagesspiegel. Read the article here (German).
Apr 19, 2024
"Should governments tax the great boomer wealth transfer?"
An article from SCRIPTS Principal Investigaor, Anette Eva Fasang (together with colleagues), which was publishes in the American Journal of Socialogy in 2023 on wealth accumulation has been discussed in the Financial Times and replicated for the UK. Click here to read the article (paywall).
Apr 16, 2024
»Putin hat Deutschland als Schwachstelle Europas ausgemacht« | SPIEGEL Geschichte
Mitten im Krieg gegen die Ukraine prangert Russland Verbrechen der Wehrmacht als Genozid an. Propaganda oder berechtigte Forderung? SCRIPTS Principal Investigator Robert Kindler spricht im Spiegel Interview (Jonas Breng & Anastasia Trenkler) über Putins Absichten und das Grauen der Blockade von Leningrad (only available in German; Paywall).
Mar 21, 2024
Die doppelte Schieflage der Diplomiertendemokratie | Table Berlin
A third of the population has lost faith in democracy. They no longer feel represented - and they are not represented, says Michael Zürn , Principal Investigator and Director of the RU "Global Governance" at SCRIPTS. The new article about representativeness by Michael Zürn can be read in the 'Table.Media Professional Briefings' section as a part of the „Hacking Populism“ series. Read the article here (soft paywall, German).
Mar 21, 2024
Interview with Jessica Gienow-Hecht | Deutschlandfunk: "Wer regiert die USA?"
Principle Investigator Prof. Dr. Jessica Gienow-Hecht speaks in Deutschlandfunk about the US stopping financial aid to Ukraine and addsresses the question how much influence a prominent ex-president have on this decision. The interview is only available in German. Click here to listen to the Interview.
Feb 08, 2024
SCRIPTS PI Gwendolyn Sasse – Expert for Russia
SCRIPTS Principle Investigator and Director at the Center for East European and International Studies (ZOiS), Gwendolyn Sasse, talked in December to several online media platforms about Russia and the war in Ukraine. In the radio podcast , she addressed the important question of how much support Putin has in the Russian society. The podcast episode is available here . The Podcast is only available in German. Her guest article “Time is of the essence in defending Ukraine” was published on the Financial Times on December 20. On December 21, the online newspaper tagesspiegel published an assessment by three experts, including Gwendolyn Sasse, on how much the lack of new aid money for Ukraine from the EU and the USA is playing into the hands of Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin. You can click here to read the article.
Jan 10, 2024
The need to look back to understand the relationship between Russia and the West
Katharina Bluhm, Professor of Sociology at Freie Universität Berlin and Principal Investigator at SCRIPTS, spoke with Lenz Jacobsen from the news portal ZEIT Online about why Russian policy did take the hostile course that led to the attack on Ukraine. The Interview refers also to new findings of Katharina Bluhm’s book "Russland und der Westen" that was published in November 2023. To read the Interview you can click here .
Dec 30, 2023
60th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination
60 years ago today, the US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. In an interview with SWR , SCRIPTS Principal Investigator Jessica Gienow-Hecht assesses the significance of the former president for US society today and what his visit on 26 June 1963 means to German people in times of the cold war. Jessica Gienow-Hecht previously wrote a SCRIPTS blog post about Kennedy's visit to Berlin and reflects on the meaning of the visit for language and the liberal script. If you are interested you can click here .
Nov 22, 2023
The Crimea as a focal point of the Russian-Ukrainian war
Principal Investigator and Director of the Centre for East European and International Studies, Gwendolyn Sasse, discusses together with Dr. M. Marcus Keupp (ETH Zurich) and Dr. Andreas Umland (Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies) in German public broadcaster SWR the significance of Crimea for both Ukraine and Russia and as a focal point of the war. Listen to the discussion in German here .
Oct 12, 2023
PI Steffen Mau on contact fear to far right AfD and change fatigue
With Swiss newspaper NZZ, Sociologist and Principal Investigator at SCRIPTS, Steffen Mau, talked about his views on the far right AfD's establishment in wide parts of society, his findings on climate change as not being a generational divided topic and a fatigue of change he can observe in German society. Find the full interview in German here .
Oct 10, 2023
On the limits of digital state rule
In Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel, SCRIPTS Principal Investigators Genia Kostka (sinologist) and Alexander Libman (political scientist focusing on Eastern Europe and Russia) explain findings resulting of a collaborative research within the cluster. Both showcase examples how digital authoritative governance in Russia and China could not completely avoid dissent in recent past. Read the full article in German here .
Oct 08, 2023
Is the German society agreeing on more than commonly assumed?
In interview with Der Spiegel, sociologist and Principal Investigator at SCRITPS, Steffen Mau, takes the stance that current fierce opposition to specific topics leads many analysts to overestimate general division and polarisation of German society. The interview in German can be read here (paywall).
Sep 28, 2023
Germany's role in the United Nations
Since Germany joined the United Nations in 1973 - then, as the eastern German Democratic Republic and the western Federal Republic of Germany - it has grown to the second largest contributer to the UN. Principal Investigator at SCRIPTS, Michael Zürn, Christopher Heusgen, chairman of the Munich Security Conference, and Harald Ganns from the UN information office in Bonn comment in a podcast of Hessischer Rundfunk on the role Germany plays today in the UN and current debates within the UN system. Find the podcast (in German) here .
Sep 18, 2023
How much is Putin under pressure in Ukraine?
Alexander Libman, Principal Professor of Russian and East European Politics and Principal Inverstigator at SCRIPTS discusses with Rüdiger Libman, Rüdiger Lüdeking, Julia Friedlander and Wilfried Jilge in German public broadcaster ZDF the pressure Ukraine's counter offensive might put on Putin's power. Watch the discussion here in German.
Sep 15, 2023