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SCRIPTS PI Gwendolyn Sasse – Expert for Russia

SCRIPTS Principle Investigator and Director at the Center for East European and International Studies (ZOiS), Gwendolyn Sasse, talked in December to several online media platforms about Russia and the war in Ukraine.

In the radio podcast detector.fm, she addressed the important question of how much support Putin has in the Russian society. The podcast episode is available here. The Podcast is only available in German.

Her guest article “Time is of the essence in defending Ukraine” was published on the Financial Times on December 20.

On December 21, the online newspaper tagesspiegel published an assessment by three experts, including Gwendolyn Sasse, on how much the lack of new aid money for Ukraine from the EU and the USA is playing into the hands of Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin. You can click here to read the article.

News from Jan 10, 2024

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