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Virtual Lecture "China's Global Rise" | Courtney J. Fung - Looking to Lead? China and UN Peacekeeping

Apr 28, 2022 | 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

This lecture is part of the virtual public lecture series "China's Global Rise – Contesting the Liberal World Order?", organised by SCRIPTS and IN-EAST.


On 28 April 2022, 9-10 AM (CEST/Berlin time), Courtney J. Fung from Macquarie University holds a lecture on Looking to Lead? China and UN Peacekeeping.


The lecture series is open to all. Registration link: https://uni-due.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_v5NgSyf_S_Ow7CRx4HbLaw. The link to the Zoom webinar will be sent by e-mail after registration.

About the lecture series "China's Global Rise"

In collaboration with the Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST) at the University of Duisburg-Essen, SCRIPTS hosts a public, online lecture series on China in the forthcoming summer term 2022 (April – July 2022). Leading scholars will discuss varying topics related to China’s global rise and the Liberal International Order with Principal Investigators from both SCRIPTS and IN-EAST. In the webinar series, leading researchers present and discuss various topics related to China's global rise and the liberal international order with members of the Cluster of Excellence "Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)" and IN-EAST. Questions from the audience can be sent to the moderator via the chat room in the Zoom webinar

Upcoming Lecture 

03 May, 4-5 PM (Berlin time)

G. John Ikenberry (Princeton University)

A World Safe for Democracy: Liberal Internationalism and the Crises of Global Order


04 May, 11 AM-12 noon (Berlin time)

Scott Kennedy (Center for Strategic & International Studies)

Beyond Decoupling: Maintaining America’s High-Tech Advantages over China


12 May, 5-6 PM (Berlin time)

Margaret M. Pearson (University of Maryland)

China's Political Economy and International Backlash


24 May, 6-7 PM (Berlin time)

Rosemary Foot (University of Oxford)

Institutional Pathways in the Challenge to Liberal Order: China at the United Nations


25 May, 4-5 PM (Berlin time)

Alexander Cooley (Barnard College, Columbia University) & Daniel Nexon (Georgetown University)

Shock to the System: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and the Prospects for Liberal Ordering


08 June, 5-6 PM (Berlin time)

Min Ye (Boston University)

The Belt and Road: China’s Evolving Global Grand Strategy


15 June, 3-4 PM (Berlin time)

Alastair Iain Johnston (Harvard University)

How Discourses of Order Create Disorder: Comparing the US 'Rules Based Order' and China’s 'Community of Common Destiny’


22 June, 6-7 PM (Berlin time)

Pu Xiaoyu (University of Nevada)

Rethinking China’s Rise in a Changing Global Order


29 June, 4-5 PM (Berlin time)

Oliver Stuenkel (Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) São Paulo)

The Tech War and the Future of Global Order


06 July, 5-6 PM (Berlin time)

Wei Liang (Middleburry Institute of International Studies, Monterey)

BRICS minus China? China shock and the future of the World Trade Organization


13 July, 4-5 PM (Berlin time)

Yi Edward Yang (James Madison University)

China's Strategic Narratives and International Order

Time & Location

Apr 28, 2022 | 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Online (Zoom Webinar)