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Boards & Central Management

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of SCRIPTS represents the overall Cluster of Excellence and presides over fund allocations and budget management. In addition to their own scholarly contributions to SCRIPTS research and collaborations, the SCRIPTS Director and Deputy Directors are responsible for convening the various administrative and research bodies, providing oversight of central management, as well as chairing the Executive Board.

Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel

SCRIPTS Director, Principal Investigator, Chairperson Executive Board, Head of Theory Network, BGTS Board, RU (Re-)Allocation, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel

Prof. Mark Hallerberg, PhD

SCRIPTS Co-Deputy Director and Principal Investigator, RU (Re-)Allocation, BGTS Faculty

Portrait_M Hallerberg_Otto 2022-cropped

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Soysal

SCRIPTS Co-Deputy Director and Principal Investigator, SCRIPTS Cluster Professor of Global Sociology Coordinator, RU Science and Epistemic Authority

Yasemin Soysal c Valerie Schmidt

Executive Board

The SCRIPTS Executive Board is responsible for all major decisions and policies and guides SCRIPTS toward reaching its objectives. In particular, the Executive Board develops and coordinates the SCRIPTS research programme, decides on funding applications, and reports on progress to the DFG. In addition, the Executive Board advises the Board of Directors on the budget, determines the admission and exclusion of members, and leads planning and quality assurance activities related to supporting structures.

The Board is composed of the SCRIPTS Director and Deputy Directors, the heads of the Research Units, the Early Career Ombudsperson, the Equal Opportunity Coordinator, a Postdoctoral Representative, and a Doctoral Representative.

See the governance chart for information on how the Executive Board is embedded in the overall structure of SCRIPTS.

International Advisory Board

The International Advisory Board reviews SCRIPTS’ measures and policies at its annual meetings and performs an internal audit of SCRIPTS’ scientific work.

Prof. Keith Breckenridge, PhD

International Advisory Board

Reinhard Bütikofer

International Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Yifeng Chen

International Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Shalini Randeria

International Advisory Board

Prof. Beth A. Simmons, PhD

International Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Tony Tam

International Advisory Board

Diana Tussie, PhD

International Advisory Board

Prof. Melissa S. Williams, PhD

International Advisory Board

Central Management

SCRIPTS management structure supports, promotes, and integrates research activities. It consists of the core administration unit, IT, communication and public engagement, quality management and equal opportunities, international network, and early career support.