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Central Management

SCRIPTS management structure supports, promotes, and integrates research activities. It consists of the core administration unit, IT, communication and public engagement, quality management and equal opportunities, international network, and early career support.

Executive Director

The Executive Director coordinates the work done by the SCRIPTS management and reports to the Directors and the SCRIPTS Board.

Dr. Isabel Winnwa

Executive Director – Central Management

+49 30 838 66915

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Central Office

The SCRIPTS administration, led by the Executive Director, is responsible for personnel, finances and administrative matters. 

Edwin-Redslob-Straße 29, 14195 Berlin
Room EG 11a and 11b

+49 30 838 58502
Opening hours: Monday & Wednesday, 10:00–12:00

Quality Management and Diversity

The Quality Management and Diversity unit is responsible for supporting the directors, the executive board, and the equal opportunity coordinator in implementing SCRIPTS quality management policies and equal opportunity measures.

Dr. Anke Draude

Head of Quality Management and Diversity – Central Management

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Dr. Brinthanan Puvaneswaran

Quality Management and Diversity, Academic Coordinator of Diversity and Internationalization – Central Management


Berlin International College (BIRT)

Public Relations

The Press and Public Relations team makes SCRIPTS research, events, activities, and media cov­erage visible. This includes managing SCRIPTS media channels and own media productions.
