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Perspectives of SCRIPTS

As part of the SCRIPTS research programme, four Research Units systematically cut across disciplinary and epistemic boundaries, and promote joint publication and diffusion of research results. In our video series "Perspectives of SCRIPTS", Principal Investigators present puzzles related to one of the four RUs: Borders, Orders, (Re-)Allocation and Temporality. A fifth video begins with the perspective of science.

Perspectives of SCRIPTS: Borders starring Steffen Mau & Gülay Çağlar

Borders determine who belongs to a group or society and who can be legitimately excluded. The liberal script grants a nation-state control over its borders while also limiting the extent to which it can be exercised. This control stands in an uneasy relationship with ideas of personal and economic freedom and mobility and, generally, universal human rights.

Perspectives of SCRIPTS: Orders starring Dorothea Gädeke & Christoph Möllers

Orders refer to the institutional core of the liberal script, which enables political and social coordination within a given society. This RU addresses orders as principles and institutional arrangements that structure expectations and practice in social and political areas. These arrangements have an impact on social and political areas, such as the making of binding rules, policing and jurisprudence, economic exchange, and gender relations.

Perspectives of SCRIPTS: (Re-)Allocation starring Anette Fasang & Stefan Gosepath

The liberal script involves rules and goals for the (re-)allocation of goods and life chances in the face of social and material scarcities. The free market is assigned as the key mechanism of (re-)allocation, which results in uneven outcomes. The welfare states attempt to reduce these. Against this background, the RU (Re-)Allocation investigates contestations, causes and consequences of unequal market outcomes and how they combine with other allocation pressures on the liberal script.

Perspectives of SCRIPTS: Temporalities starring Philipp Lepenies & Florian Waldow

Understandings of temporality and of progress provide information on time scales, imaginations of transience and eternity, and the reproduction of social structure. Time, in the liberal view, moves linearly toward a future of progress, and it presumes that rational actors optimally allocate time to market and non-market activities. The RU Temporality investigates challenges to the liberal notion of time and alternative notions of temporal horizons.

Perspectives of SCRIPTS: Science starring Tanja A. Börzel & Lora Anne Viola

The fifth video of our series "Perspectives of SCRIPTS" starts from the perspective of science and related puzzles of epistemic authority and epistemic injustice.