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New Centre for Advanced Studies in Berlin

News from Sep 30, 2024

Prof. Dr Philipp Dann (SCRIPTS & HU) and Prof. Dr. Florian Jeßberger (HU) will be the head of a new Centre for Advanced Studies in Berlin. The German Research Foundation (DFG) approved funding of € 4.2 million in its prestigious "Centres for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences" programme.

The current debates on how to deal with the colonial legacy mark a new phase of globalization. While globalization has so far been mainly understood in its economic dimension and as a one-sided "Westernization," this project is based on the assumption that globalization now also has important intellectual dimensions, where industrialized countries and the Global South mutually influence each other. Against this backdrop, the research group aims to examine various dimensions of law from a South-North perspective. The primary areas of focus will be criminal law and constitutional law. Additionally, expertise from disciplines beyond legal studies will be incorporated, particularly from global history, political theory, anthropology, and also from civil society. The Centre will explore the role of law and the impact on law in the context of colonialism and its legacies by providing a platform for cutting-edge research and sustainable conversations between scholars from the South and the North. It will be established in 2025. We congratulate them - and espacialy Philipp Dann - for this achievement!

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