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Short Talk | In Future #1: Wealth and In.Equality with Martyna B. Linartas

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“Inheritance is the most important reason for rising inequality”. With this and other impactful statements, Martyna B. Linartas punctuated her arguments concerning social disparities, possibilities for introduction of a new inheritance tax and discussed the role of billionaires in Germany. You can watch the interview with journalist Adrian Schulz during the Berlin Science Week now.


Martyna Berenika Linartas is a political scientist and postdoc in the excellence cluster SCRIPTS. She teaches at the Otto-Suhr-Institute of Freie Universität Berlin with a focus on international political economy and is founder of the website ungleichheit.info – a platform that transfers knowledge and information on inequality from academia to the general public – in order to comprehend, convey, and challenge inequality.

Adrian Schulz is a journalist and editor for the interview pages "Im Gespräch" at the “Tagesspiegel”. Previously, he completed a traineeship at the Tagesspiegel and was an author and columnist at "taz", “Zeit Online”, “FAZ” and “Neues Deutschland”. He studied political science, comparative literature and aesthetics in Frankfurt am Main.