On Tuesday, 22 October 2019, the Cluster hosted the Inauguration of the Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies (BGTS) to officially welcome our very first cohort of doctoral fellows at SCRIPTS and also introduce the newly arrived postdoctoral coordinators of the Cluster’s Research Units as well as the postdoctoral fellows of the Clusters’ International Research College (IRC) and the fellows of the various projects of the Cluster, namely “Towards a Typology of Contestations”, directed by co-speaker Prof. Dr. Michael Zürn and Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Stefan Gosepath, “Debating the Legitimacy of Borders: How the inclusion and exclusion of migrants and refugees is justified across the world”, directed by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards, Prof. Dr. Marianne Braig and Prof. Dr. Steffen Mau and “Social inequalities, migration and electoral competition”, directed by Prof. Dr. Heike Klüver, Prof. Dr. Johannes Giesecke and Prof. Dr. Martin Kroh. We also introduced our two recent IRC senior fellows, Prof. Dr. Xiangchen Sun from Fudan University, and Prof. Dr. Siep Stuurman from Utrecht University, who will be conducting research at the Cluster for a few months.
Montague Burton Professor at Oxford University and Einstein Visiting Professor at the Cluster as of January 2020, Prof. Dr. Andrew Hurrell, opened the programme with an inspiring keynote about liberalism. In his fascinating lecture he provided an overview of the history of liberalism, explained how the debate on the liberal script has shifted and changed over time, and outlined future challenges for the Cluster in this regard. Subsequently, Prof. Dr. Verena Blechinger-Talcott, vice-president of international affairs at Freie Universität Berlin and principle investigator of SCRIPTS, also gave a warm welcome to the new Cluster fellows and emphasized the great benefits of the international network of the Cluster and the strong ties between the partner institutions of the Cluster in Berlin.
After the introductions of all newly arrived fellows, the new fellows and the principal investigators had the opportunity to network during a dinner and drinks reception. Above you can find a selection of pictures of the event.