Dr. Heiko Giebler
Freie Universität Berlin, WZB Berlin Social Science Center
Postdoctoral Researcher, Head of JRG "Comparative Survey", BGTS Faculty, Head of the DMC
Heiko Giebler received his doctorate in political science from Humboldt-University. He worked as a researcher at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center and he was a guest researcher at the University of Sydney as well as at the University of Exeter. He joined SCRIPTS in January 2020 as the Head of the Research Group "Comparative Survey", which is conducting the comparative survey "PALS – Public Attitudes towards the Liberal Script”. Since July 2023, he is also the Head of the Data and Methodology Center (DMC) of SCRIPTS.
Heiko Giebler is involved in the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) and the Comparative Candidates Survey (CCS). He is a permanent guest research at the WZB. He is currently also running SCRIPTS-related projects of democratic resilience in times of crisis, sports-whitewashing as a tool for autocratic regimes, and evaluations of electoral integrity in Berlin.
Current Research projects at SCRIPTS:
The research group led by Dr. Heiko Giebler will primarily work on two tasks: First, the group will be in charge of developing, implementing and analyzing a global mass survey on varieties of and attitudes toward the Liberal Script. The survey will cover at least 15 countries from all regions of the world. Case selection is crucial as the data should as best as possible allow to draw a global map of attitudes toward the Liberal Script. Due to its global perspective, issues like contextual applicability, cultural sensitivity and measurement equivalence will be of utmost concern when developing the instrument. All in all, the survey will produce high quality data to answer the following, rather general research questions: (1) How do different individuals define the Liberal Script? (2) To which degree do individuals accept the Liberal Script and its different aspects? (3) Do individuals perceive tensions and trade-offs between different aspects of the Liberal Script? (4) How do attitudes toward the Liberal Script relate to other individual-level and contextual factors?
Second, the project will relate these mass attitudes to (political) elites’ attitudes and investigate how certain types of congruence/incongruence between the two groups affect the Liberal Script and its persistence. The guiding research question is, whether certain configurations of mass and elite attitudes have different effects on the persistence or adaption of the Liberal Script. Building on cleavage theory, the group will develop a framework on how certain configurations of mass and elite attitudes lead to a manifestation of conflict regarding the Liberal Script in terms of its meaning, relevance and potential contestation. Empirical analysis will be based on a sub-set of the countries selected for the mass survey as this requires additional data collection efforts.
Selection of recent publications:
Franzmann, Simon | Giebler, Heiko | Poguntke, Thomas (2020): It‘s no longer the economy, stupid! Issue Yield at the 2017 German Federal Election. West European Politics 43 (3), 610-638 (open access).
Krause, Werner | Giebler, Heiko (2019): Shifting welfare policy positions: The impact of radical right populist party success beyond migration politics. Representation, online first (open access).
Werner, Annika | Giebler, Heiko (2019): Do populists represent? Theoretical considerations on how populist parties (might) enact their representative function. Representation 55 (4), 379-392 (open access).
Giebler, Heiko | Meyer, Thomas M. | Markus Wagner (2019): The changing meaning of Left and Right: Supply- and demand-side effects on the perception of party positions. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, online first (open access).
Andreadis, Ioannis | Giebler, Heiko (2019): How to improve voting advice applications: Estimating the position of political parties using candidate surveys. Statistics, Politics and Policy 9 (2), 135-160.