Dr. Tatiana Zhurzhenko

Project "The Liberal Script in Ukraine's Contested Border Regions", Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS)
Postdoctoral Researcher
Tatiana Zhurzhenko graduated in political economy (1989) and philosophy (1993) at the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine) where she was teaching until 2002. In the subsequent decade she pursued two research projects on the Ukrainian-Russian and Ukrainian-Polish borders at the University of Vienna (both supported by the Austrian Science Fund). Since 2005, she has been teaching East European Politics at the Department of Political Science, University of Vienna. Tatiana was a visiting scholar at Helsinki, Harvard and Toronto Universities. Since July 2021, she has been a researcher at ZOiS.
Research Interests
- Borders and border regions in the post-Soviet space
- Memory politics
- Conflict and post-conflict societies
- Gender and feminism
Current Research projects at SCRIPTS
The Liberal Script in Ukraine's Contested Border Regions
Monographs, edited volumes:
- Borderlands into Bordered Lands: Geopolitics of Identity in Post-Soviet Ukraine, Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag 2010.
- War and Memory in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, co-edited with J. Fedor, M. Kangaspuro and J. Lassila, London: Palgrave Macmillan 2017
Book Chapters
- “The Monumental Commemoration of St. Volodymyr / St. Vladimir in Ukraine, Russia and Beyond: The Nationalisation of the Past, the Orthodox Church and ‘Monumental Propaganda’ before and after the Annexation of Crimea”. In: Amacher K., A. Portnov and V. Serhiienko (eds.), Official History in Eastern Europe, GHI Warsaw, Osnabrück: Fibre 2021.
- “World War II Memories and Local Media in the Russian North: Velikii Novgorod and Murmansk”. In: D. Hoffmann (ed.), The Memory of the Second World War in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia, London: Routledge 2021, pp. 202-228.
- “Generation, War Memory and the Post-Soviet Welfare State: Institutionalizing the ‘Children of War’ in Russia”. In: J. Fedor et al. (eds.), War and Memory in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, London: Palgrave Macmillan 2017, pp. 257-280.
- “Shared Memory Culture? Nationalizing the ‘Great Patriotic War’ in the Ukrainian-Russian borderlands”. In: M. Pakier and J. Wawrzyniak (eds.), Memory and Change in Europe: Eastern Perspectives, Oxford: Berghahn 2016.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- “A Border on the Move. The Ukrainian-Russian frontier from the Soviet collapse to the conflict in Donbas”. In: Jahrbuch Migration und Gesellschaft 2020/2021, Bielefeld: Transcript 2021, pp. 139-158; Open Access.
- “Fighting Empire, Weaponising Culture. The conflict with Russia and the restrictions on Russian mass culture in post-Maidan Ukraine”. In: Europe-Asia Studies, forthcoming.
Other publications
- “In the shadow of victory. The memory of WWII in the Russian–Ukrainian conflict”, 7 May. In: Eurozine, www.eurozine.com/in-the-shadow-of-victory/ 2020.
- „Charkiv – von der Grenzstadt zur Frontstadt“. In: Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West, Nr. 4-5, 2019 (Thema: Ukraine fünf Jahre nach dem Majdan), pp. 30-33.
- "The Russian invasion of Ukraine as a contestation of the liberal script? - № 7". Blogpost, Scripts Blog No. 44, March 2022.