Individual Consultation Services
AStA-FU Data protection and anti-repression counselling: AStA-FU give helpful support for all problems with data backup and data protection. They advise on topics such as: safe surfing on the Internet, behavior in social networks and Internet forums, encryption of all data carriers and e-mails, attendance lists, camera surveillance, "glass studio", etc.
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AStA-FU General legal advice: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its socio-political effects, some problems are intensified, or new problems arise. Unfortunately, The AStA-FU general legal advice cannot take place at present due to the restrictions. They have therefore put together an overview of free legal consultations in solidarity which continue to offer advice despite the restrictions. They have compiled an overview of solidarity-based and free legal advice which, despite the restrictions, continues to offer advice. That information can be found in the following link.
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RefRat-HU data protection: The data protection department takes care of any known violations of data protection regulations and, as far as possible, to prevent such violations from the outset. We are also happy to support you in the organization and implementation of events related to data protection law, e.g. crypto parties.
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RefRat-HU General legal advice: If you are looking for advice and think that the matter needs legal advice, please write an email with your request to the general social counseling: they will then coordinate the inquiries with the lawyers. Since binding legal information must be given, this advice is provided by professional lawyers. You will be advised on almost all legal problems.