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Affiliation as a Guest Researcher

The Cluster of Excellence "Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)" is interested in affiliating externally funded researchers at all levels of qualifications.

SCRIPTS welcomes researchers who bring a project initiative that is targeted at excellence funding programmes (e.g. Emmy Noether; ERC starting or consolidator grants etc.). Guest researchers who are still in the process of applying for excellence funding can apply for affiliation with SCRIPTS and gain support in the application process. Researchers with funding of their own can submit their applications directly via E-Mail to irc@scripts-berlin.eu.

The detailed procedure for each type of candidate is explained below.

1. Affiliation of guest researchers in the process of application for funding

Applicants are required to search for a mentor among the SCRIPTS Principal Investigators who will provide substantive support during the application phase and who is willing to subsequently supervise the project. An overview of the Principal Investigators can be found here.


Upon selecting a mentor within SCRIPTS, applicants are to then submit a draft proposal for their project initiative send by the SCRIPTS mentor to the BIRT Director via irc@scripts-berlin.eu. Decisions are made based on the quality of the proposed project, as well as the availability of resources to provide adequate supervision and working environment space. Further, the following selection criteria will be applied in the assessment of the proposal:

  1. Academic excellence

  2. Compatibility with the SCRIPTS programme and Research Units agenda(s)

  3. Plurality of perspectives in SCRIPTS (esp. academic discipline, research content and focus area)

  4. Special eligibility of support or specific reservations as regards gender and diversity (esp. priority for international partners and candidates from the Global South)

Should the project proposal receive a positive assessment, it must be further developed in consultation with the SCRIPTS mentor. The proposal must then be presented to the SCRIPTS Board by the applicant (in person) before its final submission. Details on how the presentation is to be conducted will be communicated individually in the case of a successful application.

2. Affiliation of guest researchers with their own funding


Applicants who have their own funding to undertake a research stay at SCRIPTS are asked to send their proposals to the BIRT Director via irc@scripts-berlin.eu. The application should include the following documents:

  • CV

  • List of publications

  • Research plan for the duration of the stay

Decisions are made based on the quality of the proposed project, as well as the availability of resources to provide adequate supervision and working environment space. The quality of the project proposal is assessed based on the criteria mentioned in the previous section (academic excellence etc.).


The International Research College (IRC)
Boltzmannstraße 20, 14197 Berlin
Room EG E225, E225a and E225b
+49 30 838 71550