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BGTS Doctoral Programme

Programme Structure

For full-time doctoral students, the BGTS offers a clear structure where the different steps of doctoral studies are spelled out and monitored along the way to ensure that doctoral candidates receive the support needed to complete their dissertation within three years.

BGTS Curriculum

The BGTS structured programme comprises a three-year programme which balances independent research with a structured curriculum. The doctoral programme starts in September of each year. Students have the opportunity to take part in content-oriented courses, research methods training and research colloquia as well as tailored transferable skills workshops.

Research stays, teaching, project work, internship, and field research

During the second or third year, doctoral researchers are required to either teach a course at the BA or MA level on their subject or field of research at one of SCRIPTS’ partner institutions, participate in an associated research project, preferably at one of the Research Units or in one of the projects, or spend three months interning at a think tank cooperating with the BGTS.


The BGTS is committed to high standards of doctoral supervision. Each candidate is assigned a team of two supervisors and one additional professorial advisor who serves a mentor during the time of doctoral studies. The first supervisor is the main supervisor and also serves as an evaluator, the other two can be chosen either from the BGTS faculty or come from a partner or an external institution.

Academic Regulations

Career & Development

Finance & Funding

The BGTS does not require any tuition fees. However, to be enrolled as a doctoral researcher at the University, an enrolment fee needs to be paid every semester, which covers a transportation pass and a contribution to the student union and the student support service. Furthermore, doctoral researchers should expect to budget about € 1000-1200 per month for living expenses in Berlin including housing, meals and personal expenses. Please note that the structured programme is designed to be a full-time, on-site programme and it is not foreseen to work alongside doctoral studies.