Allison Koh
Cohort 2020
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Anita Gohdes
Topic of PHD-Thesis: Platformed Power Plays: Authoritarian Adaptations in Foreign Social Media Spaces

Hertie School
SCRIPTS Data and Methodology Center (DMC)
Doctoral Researcher, BGTS Board Member, Representative Doctoral Researchers
Education and Work Experience
- 09/2018-06/2020: Hertie School, M.P.P. Policy Analysis
- 08/2012-05/2016: Tulane University, B.Sc. Economics and Asian Studies
Academic Appointments, Scientific Activities & Outreach
- 01/2020-Present: SCRIPTS Data and Methodology Center, Research Associate
- 03/2019-03/2020: Hertie School Center for Digital Governance. Project 'Authoritarianism 2.0' (PI: Prof. Daniela Stockmann, PhD), Research Assistant
- 11/2018-11/2019: WZB Berlin Social Science Center. 'Institutions and Political Inequality' Unit, Research Assistant
Fellowships, Stipends and Awards
- 09/2020-09/2023: Hertie School Centre for International Security PhD stipend
- 03/2019: GPPN Annual Conference Best Poster Award at Lee Kwan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore
- 01/2017-11/2017: Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Malaysia
- 07/2015-08/2015: Judith and Morris Henkin Memorial Travel Scholarship (academic conference funding from Tulane University)
- 08/2014-12/2014: Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (semester exchange in Shanghai)
- State Repression and Political Violence
- Protests and Social Movements
- Social Media
- Computational Social Science
- Authoritarian Politics