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Alice Trinkle

Cohort 2020

Topic of PhD Thesis: Reinventing Socialism. Chinese-Eastern European Exchanges on Reform, 1976-1992.

Supervision: Dr Tobias Rupprecht, Prof Dr Felix Wemheuer

Trinkle_Katy Otto-SCRIPTS 2021 Cropped

Freie Universität Berlin

Project Doctoral Researcher, Junior Research Group "Peripheral Liberalism"

Education and Work Experience

  • 2020-2024: Research Associate at SCRIPTS, JRG ‘Peripheral Liberalism’
  • 2022: Freelance Author “Bildungsnetzwerk China”
  • 2021, 2022: Field research in Hungary 
  • 2020-2022: Oxford Europaeum Scholars Programme 
  • 2019-2020: Management and PR in Local Politics
  • 2019-2020: Guest Associate Graduate School of Asian Studies, Free University Berlin
  • 2018: M.A. Chinese Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 
  • 2016-2017: Lecturer German as a Foreign Language at China University of Political Science and Law Beijing / DAAD-Sprachassistenz
  • 2016: B.Ed. History / German Language and Literature / Educational Science, Potsdam University 
  • 2014: Exchange year at University of International Business and Economics Beijing
  • 2009-2010: Voluntary service “kulturweit” in Hungary

Academic Appointments, Scientific Activities & Outreach

  • 2021: Open Society Foundation Budapest, Visegrád Scholarship, research stay
  • 2020 – 2021: Oxford Europaeum Programme, scholar, winning team 2nd cohort, project proposal “Unmute the Youth!”
  • 2019 – 2020: Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS) at Free University Berlin, Guest Associate

Talks and Presentations

  • “Eine sozialistische Wirtschaftsreform? Wie China Marktwirtschaft vom sozialistischen Osteuropa lernte.” Public Talk at Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Free University Berlin, June 2023
  • “Reinventing Socialism. Kornai, Wu Jinglian, and the global socialist reformers’ network.” Kornai Symposium, Harvard University/Central European University/Corvinus University, Budapest, May 2023
  • “Reinventing Socialism. Chinese-Eastern European exchanges on reform, 1976-1992.” Workshop “Global Transformations of Political Economy”, Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET) & SCRIPTS, University of Vienna, March 2023
  • “Abandon Leninism, Accomplish Freedom. How Su Shaozhi’s reform theories were shaped by encounters with Hungarian reformers.” Workshop “Peripheral Liberalism. Market economists and the liberal script outside the West, 1970-2020”, Research Cluster Contestations of the Liberal Script, Berlin, October 2022
  • “Market Economic Thinking in China in Exchange with (Post) Socialist Eastern Europe, 1978 –2001.” Annual Conference Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Amsterdam, July 2022
  • “ ‘Goulash-Communism’ 2.0? Hungary’s Rezső Nyers and Chinese reform economists in the 1980s. ” Workshop “Between Trade and Aid: Theories, Practices, and Results of Attempts of Exporting State-Socialist Development Models for the Third World”, Leipzig, June 2022 
  •  “Liberal Economic Thinking in China in Exchange with (Post) Socialist Eastern Europe, 1978 – 2001.” Workshop “Chinese Political Thought – A Global Dialogue beyond 'Orientalism'”, University of Naples - Federico II, Tallinn University, European Institute for Chinese Studies, Online Presentation, January 2022 
  • “Unmute the Youth!” Closing Conference Europaeum Scholars Programme in Toledo, Spain, October 2021
  • “Market Economic Thinking in China in Exchange with (Post) Socialist Eastern Europe, 1978 – 2001.” Conference “China and Global History” University of Vienna / University of Graz, Online Presentation, September 2021

Fellowships, Stipends and Awards

  • 2021: Visegrad Scholarship by Open Society Archives Budapest / Central European University
  • 2021: Oxford Europaeum Programme, winning team 2nd cohort with policy proposal ‘Unmute the Youth!’
  • 2020: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, PhD scholarship
  • 2014 – 2018: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, scholarship and fellow for undergraduate and graduate studies
  • 2014: PROMOS – exchange year at the University of International Business and Economics Beijing, China

Research Interests

  • Global History with a regional focus on China and Hungary
  • economic history and the history of economic thought
  • (post) socialist transition, (post) socialist economies & societies
  • Chinese and Eastern European economies
  • Chinese activities in Eastern Europe

  • Trinkle, A., 2023: Review I. Weber: How China escaped Shock Therapy. The Market Reform Debate. London/New York: Routledge, 2021, in: Comparativ 2 (2023), 250-252.
  • Ambrosino/Birk/Mingardi/Nikolou/Spielberger/Thevenin/Trinkle, 2023: Youth and Democracy: Digital Opportunities for the Future of Participation. in: Rouet, G. /Côme, T. (Ed.): Participatory and Digital Democracy at the Local Level. European Discourses and Practices. Cham: Springer. pp. 67-83.
  • Trinkle, A. et al., 2022: How to successfully carry out China research in challenging times – A perspective from junior scholarsSCRIPTS Think piece No. 14, Berlin: Cluster of Excellence 2055 Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)
  • Trinkle, A., 2022: The Liberal Script in the Socialist World: János Kornai and ChinaSCRIPTS Think piece No. 11, Berlin: Cluster of Excellence 2055 Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)
  • Trinkle, A., 2022: Review U. Mählert / F. Wemheuer (Hrsg.): Machterhalt durch Wirtschaftsreformen. Chinas Einfluss in der sozialistischen Welt. Jahrbuch für historische Kommunismusforschung, Berlin: Metropol Verlag, 2020, in: Comparativ 5-6 (2021), 682–685.
  • Axe, Kevin/Rupprecht, Tobias/Trinkle, Alice 2021: Peripheral Liberalism. New Perspectives on the History of the Liberal Script in the (Post-)Socialist World. SCRIPTS Working Paper No. 13, Berlin: Cluster of Excellence 2055 “Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)”.