Anastasia Mgaloblishvili
Cohort 2022
Topic of PhD Thesis: Internal Contestations of the EU’s Liberal Script in Georgia (working title)

Freie Universität Berlin
Doctoral Researcher
Boltzmannstr. 20
14195 Berlin
14195 Berlin
Education and Work Experience
- 10/2020 - | Freelance Journalist | Institute for War and Peace Reporting | Tbilisi, Georgia
- 09/2019-06/2020 | College of Europe | Master of Arts in European Politics and Governance | Bruges, Belgium
- 09/2020-08/2022 | Foreign Relations Coordinator | Political Movement "Droa" | Tbilisi, Georgia
- 09/2018 - 02/2019 | Program Assistant (Intern) | German Marshall Fund of the United States | Warsaw, Poland
- 09/2015 - 06/2018 | Tallinn University of Technology | Bachelor of Arts in International Relations (Highest Honors) | Tallinn, Estonia
Fellowships, Stipends and Awards
- Doctoral Researcher at FU Berlin | German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) | Graduate School Scholarship Program | 2022-2025
- Graduate student at the College of Europe | European Commission | 2019-2020
- Erasmus + Exchange Student at LUISS University (Rome, Italy) | European Commission | 2016
Research Interests
- Hybrid regimes
- EU External Affairs
- Democratization
- Central and Eastern Europe
- International Relations
- The Overlooked Actors in the EU Studies: Examining the Strategies and Objectives of Religious actors in the European Union | Bruges Political Research Papers | Publication of MA thesis in research paper series:
- Beyond neoclassical economics: the impact of religion on the economic disparity between Georgia and Estonia | Baltic Journal of European Studies | Publication of BA thesis in double-blind peer reviewed journal:
Other Publications
- Articles and Contributions | Institute for War and Peace Reporting
- Articles and Contributions | New Eastern Europe
- ”When political institutions fail, boycott and street protests can succeed” | Public Seminar | Reprinted article from New Eastern Europe
- “Sans the U.S: Are we ready for a new climate change agreement?”| The German Marshall Fund of the United States
- “What’s Wrong with Elections in Georgia?” | RealPolitika | Weekly Video Blog “Georgia Deconstructed”
- “Political Turbulence Shakes Georgia”|New Eastern Europe | Interview and take on the political situation in Georgia for the “Talk Eastern Europe” Podcast|