Nikolina Klatt

Freie Universität Berlin, Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script”
Doctoral Researcher
Nikolina Klatt is a Doctoral Researcher at the Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies (BGTS) at SCRIPTS, the Excellence Cluster of Freie Universität Berlin. Her research examines democracy, reproductive rights, and the policy process, focusing on how political regime transformations influence reproductive rights globally. She employs quantitative methods, including text-as-data approaches and statistical modelling, to uncover patterns in these transformations.
Nikolina holds a Master of Public Policy from the Hertie School, where her award-winning thesis combined data science and political narrative analysis. She is also a Visiting Fellow for the research unit "Transformations of Democracy" at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center and previously served as a Research Fellow and Speaker of the Doctoral Researchers there.
Her experience includes working for State Minister Anna Lührmann at the German Bundestag, contributing to the CoronaNet Project, and co-organising the Youth Assembly at the United Nations.
Research Interests
- Comparative Politics
- Political Regime Transformations
- Reproductive Rights and Gender Equality
- Policy Process Research
- Quantitative Methods and Machine Learning
- Computational Text Analysis
Current Research Projects at SCRIPTS
- Reproductive Rights and Poltical Regime Transformations
Peer Reviewed Publications
Klatt, Nikolina and Blum, Sonja. 2024 “How does the use of evidence in policy narratives change during crises? A comparative study of New York City’s pandemic school shutdowns.” In: Review of Policy Research (Early View), 10.1111/ropr.12589
Klatt, Nikolina and Böhret, Ines. 2021. “Women's Rights in Childbirth during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A comparison of WHO guidelines to policies, recommendations, and practices in the US and Germany.” In: Cross-cultural Human Rights Review (3):1–41, 10.52854/cchrr-51
Article in editied volume
Klatt, Nikolina. 2022. “Die Schliessungen des öffentlichen Schulsystems in New York City während der Covid-19-Pandemie – Eine Fallstudie zu politischen Erzählungen.” In: Facetten Politischer Kommunikation – Beiträge zum 18. Düsseldorfer Forum Politische Kommunikation, edited by Lara Boden, Robin Schröer, Natalie Ryba, and Leon Becher, Shaker Verlag GmbH.
Worinking Paper
Klatt, Nikolina (2024): “Judicial Rulings and Political Narratives. Analyzing the Impact of Roe v. Wade's Overturning on Digital Discourse Using Machine Learning”. WZB Discussion Paper SP V 2024-502. Berlin: WZB.
Other Publications
Klatt, Nikolina. 2024. “Zwischen Fortschritt und Rückschritt. Der komplexe Kampf um Frauenrechte weltweit“ In: WZB-Mitteilungen H. 1(183): 33–36.
Vanessa Boese-Schlosser, Fabio Ellger, Nikolina Klatt, Janice Ngiam und Daniel Ziblatt. 2024. “Als Begriff umstritten, als Modell umkämpft. Was Menschen in Deutschland unter „Demokratie” verstehen“ In: WZB-Mitteilungen H. 1(183):20–24.
Klatt, Nikolina and Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa. 2023. “Zwischen Fakten und Fiktion. Wie industrielle Desinformation die Demokratie bedroht“ In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 2(180):32–35.
Klatt, Nikolina and Boese-Schlosser, Vanessa. 2023. “Authoritarianism and Disinformation: The Dangerous Link.“ In The Loop. ECPR’s Political Science Blog
Klatt, Nikolina; Hellmeier, Sebastian and Ziblatt, Daniel. 2022. “Politische Gewalt und Demokratie.” In: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 4(178):62.