Karoline R. Estermann
Doctoral researcher at BGTS and part of the Junior Research Group "Comparative Survey"

Freie Universität Berlin, Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script”
Junior Research Group "Comparative Survey", Representative Doctoral Researchers
14195 Berlin
Education and Work Experience
Karoline R. Estermann is a doctoral researcher at Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies (BGTS) and part of the Junior Research Group "Comparative Survey". She graduated from Bonn University with her Master’s degree in Sociology in 2023. As part of her studies, she did quantitative research on public opinions towards Search and Rescue Organizations in the Mediterranean, and qualitative research on discursive criminalization of trafficked women in forced prostitution. Besides her studies, she worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Sociology/Empirical Research Methods at the Institute for Political Sciences and Sociology. She previously worked as an editor since she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism.
Her doctoral research project is about analyzing data from the survey Public Attitudes towards the Liberal Script (PALS). She aims to understand the composition and contradictory of liberal ways of thinking, and to map the prevalence of liberal mindsets in different regions of the world.
Research Interests
- Political Sociology
- Sociology of Law
- Norms and belief systems
- Migration
- Social Inequality