Dr. Harrison Kalunga Mwilima
Cohort 2013
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tanja Börzel
Sustainability Agents SUSA GmbH
Associate Consultant
Harrison Kalunga Mwilima studied a bachelor of Political Science and Philosophy at the University of Dar es Salaam, a masters in Political Economy of European Integration at the Berlin School of Economics and Law and a PhD in Political Science at the Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies and Freie Universität Berlin. Harrison taught three bachelor courses on African Politics and History, Regional Studies and Political System of the European Union. He has been a part-time lecturer at the Berlin School of Economics and Law and he is currently consulting the Sustainability Agents SUSA GmbH on how to establish its work - to support companies in implementing social and labour standards in their production sites - in East Africa.
Title of PhD Thesis
How States Choose: European Involvement in Promoting Regional Integration in East Africa
Research Interests
Europe-Africa Relations
Regional Integration
Sustainable Development Consultant