Dr. Oleksandra Keudel
Cohort 2017
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tanja Börzel
Topic of PhD thesis: The role of elites and civil society in enhancing or restraining political access in a Limited Access Order, the case of Ukraine
Education and Work Experience
- since 2017: Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies, PhD. Candidate
- 09/2014 - 08/2016: University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Master in International Administration and Global Governance
- 09/2007 - 01/2009: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), Master International Information (Specialization Public Relations)
- 09/2003 - 07/2007: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine), Bachelor International Relations
Academic Appointments, Scientific Activities & Outreach
- 01/2018 - 02/2018: "Design, theories and methods of corruption research" course, Certificate Programme "Interdisciplinary anti-corruption studies” at the National Kyiv-Mohyla University (Ukraine). Course co-author and co-lecturer
- 10/2016 - 07/2017: Conference "Friends or Foes of Transformation? Economic elites in Ukraine from Historical and Comparative Perspective" at Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen (KWI). Project by interdisciplinary network ‘Ukraine: postsowjetische Gesellschaft im Wandel’. Conference co-organiser and network partner
- 12/2016: Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) Annual Conference (Stockholm). Conference presenter. Topic: "Citizens and state in the conditions of war: defence volunteer movement in Ukraine"
- 10/2016 - 02/2017: Insights from practitioners: How to initiate and develop working relationships with Partners, Donors and Stakeholders and Improve Cooperation between Ukrainian and EU Think Tanks. Report by the Ukrainian Think Tank Liaison Office in Brussels, Co-author
- 08/2015 - 11/2015: Programme Coordination Section at United Nations Volunteers. Intern
Fellowships, Stipends and Awards
- 09/2017 - 08/2020: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Graduate School Scholarship Program 2017 - Berlin School of Transnational Studies
- 08/2015 - 11/2015: Erasmus Mobility Grant for Internship at the United Nations Volunteers
- 04/2015 - 07/2015: Adlerbertska Foundation Scholarship for excellent academic performance and hospitality grant (Sweden)
- 2014 - 2016: University of Gothenburg Study Scholarship (fee-waiver)
Non-Democratic Regimes (Limited Access Orders)
Sub-National Politics and Political Access
Civil Society and State Relations, Governance with Civil Society
Open Government
- Kryshtapovych, O. 2016, 'State and Civil Society Relations in the Conditions of Military Crises: The case of defence volunteer movement in Ukraine'. Master Thesis, University of Gothenburg. Available at: https://gupea.ub.gu.se/bitstream/2077/44848/1/gupea_2077_44848_1.pdf.
- Prystayko, O. & Kryshtapovych, O. 2017, 'Insights from practitioners: How to initiate and develop working relationships with Partners, Donors and Stakeholders and Improve Cooperation between Ukrainian and EU Think Tanks', Ukrainian Think Tank Liaison Office in Brussels. Available at: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/5b13b65c8b280f47f74d5a42d/files/7d8ee60a-119e-4a03-9b9e-bddbcb8a1a12/Ukraine_KAS_Brochure.pdf.