Dr. Jörg Stefan Haas
Cohort 2017
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Henrik Enderlein
Topic of PhD thesis: Economic Policy Coordination in the Euro Area: Explaining (Non-)Compliance with the European Semester
Education and Work Experience
- since 2017: Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transnational Studies, PhD. Candidate
- 10/2012 – 09/2013: London School of Economics and Political Science, MSc International Political Economy
- 10/2008 – 07/2012: University of Tübingen, BA Political Science
Academic Appointments, Scientific Activities & Outreach
- Since 09/2017: Jacques Delors Institut - Berlin, Affiliate Fellow
- 07/2014 – 08/2017: Jacques Delors Institut - Berlin, Research Fellow
- 03/2013 – 06/2013: London School of Economics and Political Science, Research Assistant
Fellowships, Stipends and Awards
- Since 09/2017: Heinrich Böll Foundation PhD scholarship
- 11/2013: London School of Economics and Political Science, Susan Strange Prize for the best dissertation in International Political Economy in the 2012/2013 session
- 03/2009 – 09/2013: Heinrich Böll Foundation study scholarship for undergraduate and graduate studies
- 09/2011 – 02/2012: German Academic Exchange Service and German National Academic Foundation, Carlo Schmid Scholarship for an internship in an international organization
Economic and Monetary Union
Public Finances and the EU Budget
International and Comparative Political Economy
Economic Governance and Current Account Imbalances
Economic History
- Haas, J., D’Erman, V., Schulz, D. & Verdun, A. 2020, ‘Economic and fiscal policy coordination after the crisis: is the European Semester promoting more or less state intervention?’ Journal of European Integration, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 327-344, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/07036337.2020.1730356.
- D’Erman, V., Haas, J., Schulz, D. & Verdun, A. 2019, ‘Measuring economic reform recommendations under the European Semester,’ Journal of Contemporary European Research vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 194–211, DOI: https://doi.org/10.30950/jcer.v15i2.999.
- Haas, J., Rubio, E. & Schneemelcher, P. 2018, ‘The MFF proposal: What’s old, what’s new, what’s next?’ Policy Brief, Jacques Delors Institute and Bertelsmann Stiftung.
- Haas, J. & Rubio, E. 2017, ‘Research for AGRI Committee – Possible impact of Brexit on the EU budget and, in particular, CAP funding’, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels. Available from: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document.html?reference=IPOL_STU(2017)602007.
- Haas, J. & Huguenot-Noël, R. 2017, 'Are the spending priorities of euro-area countries converging?', Policy Paper no. 200, Jacques Delors Institut - Berlin. Available from: http://www.delorsinstitut.de/en/all-publications/are-the-spending-priorities-of-euro-area-countries-converging/.
- Haas, J. 2017, 'Welche Folgen hat der Brexit für den EU-Haushalt?', ifo Schnelldienst vol. 70, no. 11, pp. 6-8.
- Haas, J. & Rubio, E. 2017, ‘Brexit and the EU Budget: Threat or Opportunity?’ Policy Paper no. 183, Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin. Available from: http://www.delorsinstitut.de/2015/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/BrexitEUBudget-HaasRubio-JDI-JDIB-Jan17.pdf.
- Enderlein, H. & Haas, J. 2016, ‘Structural Policies for Growth and Jobs: Best Practices, Benchmarking and the Role of the Eurogroup’. In-Depth Analysis provided at the request of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, PE 574.427. Available from: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank./de/document.html?reference=IPOL_IDA(2016)574427.
- Enderlein, H., Gnath, K. & Haas, J. 2016, ‘Deutschland und die Stabilität der Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion’, in: Böttger, K. & Jopp, M. (eds.), Handbuch zur Deutschen Europapolitik, pp. 247–61. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2016.
- Enderlein, H. & Haas, J. 2015, ‘What Would a European Finance Minister Do? A Proposal’. Policy Paper no. 145, Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin. Available from: http://www.delorsinstitut.de/2015/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/MinistreFinanceEuropeen_JDI-B_EN1.pdf.
- Haas, J. 2015, ‘Grexit? Beware of Slippery Slopes’. Policy Paper no. 126, Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin. Available from: http://www.delorsinstitut.de/2015/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/GrexitSlipperySlope-Haas-JDIB-Feb15.pdf.